Getting the Itch

To keep me working on this hobbyist Play.Date project, I'm publishing what I have.

Lone Fury is heavily inspired by a certain classic 1980's coin op arcade cabinet. It's written in the Play.Date Lua SDK and is my first serious, honest attempt at a complete Play.Date game. Created as a learning project, and because I wanted to play this particular game on my Play.Date.

I've got a day-job so this is strictly a hobbyist project. What I'm currently working on is:

  • Refining the enemies. Enemy bases need a Big Gun that will pop up in later levels.
  • Mines! Where are the mines? Rocks are ok as obstacles but they're not as dangerous as mines.
  • Better level generation. It's random and simple, but there is a difficulty curve. The placement of enemy bases and asteroids etc can be improved. I'm also really curious how many things I can have in-game before the FPS drops. It seems a pretty solid 30 FPS currently.
  • More music! More sound! It's pretty minimal at the moment.
  • Bugs bugs bugs. Yes there's a few. No show stoppers or crashes that I am currently aware of - but plenty of ugly, unpolished behavior.

Any feedback welcome.

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12 hours ago

Get Lone Fury Arcade Shooter for PlayDate

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